Good and Faithful

Today was one of those days where everything annoyed me. It’s so hard, because my frustration usually comes out at Jed, and then I feel so bad because I love him so much. The last thing I want to do is hurt the little guy’s feelings, even when he is driving me nuts. But today, he was just being a normal four year old, whining that too many books were falling off the shelf. I yelled, and he just looked at me through his tears, and said “Mama, you can’t yell at me.” It just broke my heart, but kind of in a good way. It’s such a blessing that he, in his unknowing way, reminds me of things about myself that I know need to change. My greatest desire lately is really just to be the best mama I can be, and it makes me so sad when I fall short. Every day I realize a little more that he and his sister are my little number one’s and I’ve go to give them my best. I suppose any and all of this can only be accomplished through God’s grace. I am truly thankful that He is good and faithful to complete the work He has begun in me.
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so sweet... all of you... i totally know how it feels, to lose it one minute and the next be overwhelmed with being both incredibly in love with this little being that's so dependant on you, yet makes you crazy... and so sorry for failing them. everyday i get a stronger sense of needing to be in better shape, spiritually and mentally, for my children, they need us not just for food and shelter, but we teach them how to be human... when i think about that it's such a wake up call!! i love you elena, and i think you're one of the raddest moms i know!...
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