December 5, 2006

Wintry thoughts

As I frosted the gingerbread house, and the frosting squirted out of the pastry bag, I had this wierd flashback to my childhood. I realized that there is an actual sound that frosting makes when it comes out of the bag, and it brought me back to when my mother would decorate cakes with the star shaped tip, and make that very sound. The smell of the frosting she always used is so clear, as well as the little dots of it she would put on each of our fingertips, and on our tounges if we were lucky.

I've also been thinking about snow. I miss it so much that it aches. It aches even more when Jed asks when it is going to snow. I have to answer, "It's probably not," because I've just got to leave room for a miracle. When you tell anyone in New England that you miss the snow, they act as if you're crazy. "I hate shoveling!... and driving in that stuff!...bah!" they'll reply. I think maybe they've just lost at bit of that childlike awe of staring at the silent world outside the window as white flakes gently collect on the frozen ground. Or maybe it's just a simple case of not truely appreciating what you've got 'till it's gone. Or maybe they all fluctuate between the anger and awe. Yeah, that's probably a bit more like it.


Blogger mommasara said...

the thing i always liked about snow is it made everything look clean. until people started driving on it and it turned black-yuck. bella wants it to snow, too.

5:29 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

I saw the gingerbread kits in the store a couple weeks ago and in my head before I even got past "aw...a ginge.." I remembered how frustrating those things can be! Yours did turn out very nice. Amazing that it turned out at all!
You are welcome in Wisconsin anytime you want some snow! I love the snow and don't like hearing complaints about it either. (granted, I don't have to shovel because the maintainence men come and plow) We can go for several days without sunshine here but if there's bright white snow you almost don't notice.

1:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yes, I remember making the fingertip frosting flowers (and tongue flowers also). I always did like frosting. Fun memories.
Some people in New England don't like the snow, and others do. I have wonderful memories of sliding down a big hill with a friend who had a tobaggan. And it is so beautiful! I just wish that everyone would be real careful traveling and shoveling. I don't wnat anybody to get hurt because of snow. But it IS so nice to look out of a cozy warm house at the beautiful winter wonderland outside. But Connecticut hasn't had much wonderland this year (yet).

7:00 PM  

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