The reinstatement of Spinach eggs old trick to get my kids to eat vegetables is back. This time it's working it's magic on a pretty little princess named Frannie who does not like veggies, except for an odd infatuation with tomatoes, which are technically a fruit anyway. This came as a great shock after Jed's disgust with the things. I couldn't believe a kid would eat a raw tomato because the mere thought of one would make him shiver with sickness. I can only thank the spinach egg for making him desire broccoli over french fries-which he won't touch with a ten foot pole.

I think this is a great idea. I might just try this but my kids might be too old to go for it.
Or there's also the spinach patty, which Curtis seems to favor.
I remembered this sneaky trick of yours and have been employing it for months. But it looks like I haven't been using quite enough spinach...
eggs really are such a great way to add veggies.. of course my kids will eat just about everything, even things i don't want them to, of course...
have you heard of 'veggie booty'? adora just loves it, and it really does taste good, and it has spinach and kale and broccoli and tons of vitamins (well more than most snacks) and your kids would never guess... if they didn't like it i'd be surprized, but all kids are different i guess... adora wouldn't touch potato salad (of all things) with a ten foot pole, and that was the thing that turned your winnie into a chowdown champion.. go figure..
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