April 11, 2008

This tater's for you!

Happy Birthday Sara- that's what this was supposed to say on Monday, but since my body gets tired faster than I get all my wonderful ideas out on paper(screen), it is happening today. Four days after your birthday.

Today (Monday) I peeled my potatoes. I never peel my potatoes. As I did it I thought of you and all the shepherd's pie and peeled potatoes that went through your hands. And all that lovely fiber that went in the compost. (sigh) You are the peeler in my book. Potatoes, carrots, and I'm sure whatever other rooty veggies you could get your palm peeler on. I find it so fitting that this is the day I break my vow of skins staying on and put the peeler I ganked from the Land to use. As you can see, I left a little bit of peel on- because I'm a little bit rebellious. Happy Birthday Sara. I love you.