Was it the gum?
I love it when my daughter goes into my room, in which she is not allowed, and then goes into my purse, in which she is definitely not allowed, and eats all but three pieces of a brand new pack of strawberry gum, and I do mean eat. Then I really love it when she won't fall asleep because she took a nap, and sneaks into the closet to play with toys, and pukes all over all the zoo animals right when the new episode of The Office comes on, and makes her way downstairs crying and letting any residual puke fall where it may. The best thing is that I am so proud of her for trying something new for dinner, and eating it all, that I am not disappointed when I find three pieces of chewed gum in the drain of the bathtub- where her jammies were washed out- since it drains nice and slow because I have put off calling maintenance. It really thrills me when I am in bed about to fall asleep, and she is crying again and my wonderful husband is cursing and I go to wash the next round out of her hair and find that I have to cut a piece of puked up gum out because I am not getting the peanut butter at this hour with a cold and upset princess in my care. The crowning glory is really when that princess comes to sleep with me, and I am smart enough to grab a bucket first and then be on alert the entire night for any distressing sounds coming out of her, and get the next four pukes successfully contained in the bucket. Then I realize the real crowning glory is that I am eating the same thing for breakfast that we had for dinner last night.

yeah, I resigned our family from puking-it jsut wasn't working out for us anymore
Oh man!
Yikes! That's a lot of puke, and a lot of mischief.
There's a girl here who laughs just like you it makes my heart ache.
ew gross, but it happens. "life is messy" is an understatement. Life can be unspeakably disgusting.
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