I went to Idaho last week to visit my best friend November, her husband e (yes that's e-short for Eric), and three, yes count them-one, two, three strapping young lads-Phin(4), Silas(3), and Arlo(1). I went with my kids. Without Curtis. I drove. That was a long drive. I was planning on stopping at a hotel if I needed to, but by the time I felt like stopping, there were only a few hours of driving left, so I just pushed on through. Plus, thrifty Elena saved fifty bucks there, and fifty on the way back. I also realized something that I already knew. I hate driving at night. Especially in places I don't know. I start imagining crazy things, like bodies of water in front of me, or people standing in the road. It is just terrible. The drive took me sixteen hours there, and fifteen and a half back. It was so unbelieveably good for me. The trip, not the drive. I haven't seen November in almost two years, and she is so great, realistic, and down to earth. It was good for me to just be a mom, and to see someone else just being a mom. Simple words, but so much to them. Unfortunately, we got their whole family sick. All five of them. That was some evil virus. The last one sick in our family (yes, we ALL had it too) was Eowyn, and that had been Monday night. We didn't get there until Saturday night, so it didn't even occur to me that we might be contagious. On the positive side, it was only a twenty four hour bug of sorts. The boys got to have some good fun, and some good fights. Phin and Jed had one of the best wrestling matches ever. They both gave it their all, but noone got hurt. It was really cool to watch them-like it was in their blood. Testosterone or something. Arlo loved Eowyn so much, but couldn't help knocking her over, and trying to sit on her, and Phin was as gentle as can be with her. He really wants a sister.
The drive home was a bit exciting. We got to see a derailed train on it's side right next to a huge lake. By the time I thought to take pictures, it was too late, and I don't suggest trying to drive and take pictures out your rear window to anyone. Then we saw this cool mountain with clouds around it, and at first glance it looked like it was smoking and about to erupt. I pulled over for this one. Last, as we were almost home, and contemplating going to the coast, we heard of a fire blocking the way. Pretty big I guess- a town was being evacuated. I listened to coverage all the way home, but haven't heard a word about it since.
Silas, Jed, Phin





My cool mountain