There are so many things I love here, and so many things I need to adjust to. Like wearing sandals while walking Jed to the bus stop in October. That was not so smart. I now have frostbite in my eight smallest toes. Well, not quite. In Sac, I could wear those beloved hippie slippers year round. Year round I say! I'll probably be the mom wearing her slippers down the street with a cup of coffee in one hand, hair unkempt, and jammies still on. 8:00 is just too early for me to care about things like hair and putting forth the effort to actually don socks and shoes.
Speaking of the bus stop, the time has also come for PDA's with my son to end. Apparently a friend saw Jed giving me a kiss as the bus pulled up one morning. Not good. Now as soon as the bus turns the corner, we have a quick hug and wave bye. Oh sad day! Hey, at least I still get the hug.
Onto things I love- well besides my wonderful little angel baby, who is so cute cute cute in long sleeve dresses and stripey tights, and trees changing gorgeous hues of my favorite colors- it's...the Red Sox! Every game is on tv, and they made it to the playoffs! Woo hoo! Though my best Red Sox moment was when we went to the Big E (kind of a state fair for New England) and they had a whole area set up as a bar with hay bales to sit on, and the game on. That was so cool, and everyone is a Sox fan here (almost). Well they should be. There's a wonderful kindredness about it. I've finally been able to get back into it all enough to know all the players, which is something I haven't done for over ten years.
Jed is making friends, and helping us make some too. He is such an excellent socialite, which also can make him hard to keep a leash on. He figured out how to ride a two wheeler in about five minutes, and is now more mobile than ever. I'm sure you can just imagine.
Oh oh oh! I almost forgot! One of the best things here is the food! I mean the Polish food! Fresh peirogies down the street...mmm...yummy. We went to a festival put on by the Nuns around here, and you could get a whole polish plate...peirogies, golabki, ( I always thought it was ga-wump-ki growing up- he he) rye bread and sausage. My dad even got a whole package of polish food for his birthday, which of course he shared, and I got to experience the wonder of Hunter's stew. It's just good. Well, I must get on with my day...missing you, and since pictures are awesome: