March 27, 2006

What I do

Often times when I tell people I live at the Land in a christian community, they ask what I do. I usually reply something like, "Oh, I do the bookeeping and some cleaning and organizing." Somehow, this always leaves me feeling like there should be more, and I ask myself what I am really doing. This morning I woke up at 8:30 with a sore throat, and woke Curtis up. He had to leave right away, after over sleeping, or would be late for a doctor's appointment. I was going to prepare a deposit for the ministry before he left, but had to nurse Eowyn first. I fed her and ran up to the big house, promising it would only take two minutes. Curtis pulled up with the car as I ran out the door, handed him the envelope, and kissed him goodbye. As I'm walking back down to the cabin, Jed meets me halfway, in pajamas and boots, freaking out because I left without telling him where I was going. After calming him, we headed down, but this event set his mood for the morning. Oh joy. Change a diaper, breakfast, balance the checkbook. (I need more checks. Where in the world are they?) Wash the laundry from Jed wetting the bed last night, sweep the porch, make the beds. Make tea for my throat, deal with Jed's attitude and stop him from making believe his sister is a bird, and pulling her arms back while she's on her tummy, calm Eowyn down from attack of the big brother. Think about making candles, working on the books this afternoon, the rest of the laundry, giving Jed a bath, posting stuff to sell on the internet, and brushing my teeth. Then I write a blog. (Only because Jed is confined to his chair until he eats his oatmeal.) All in an hour and a half. Then I realize, this is what I do.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baby, your the best wife a man could have.
Also just gaze into my picture, and you'll be reminded how lucky you are.
P.S. I think our bananas are in the kitchen, unless you alreay have them.

1:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is what you do....and so much more! You love my son, grandson and granddaughter! You love the Lord and let His light shine through you! You are a blessing.

6:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahhhhhhhhhhhh, soooo sweet. you have a good fam.

10:21 AM  

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