Easter time

Oh Easter. (sigh) It was a dreary rainy day. We had a lovely ham dinner, and an even lovlier cheesecake for dessert. And I won the game of Killer Bunnies! I find the game rather fitting for Easter. Killer Bunnies. Bunnies....Easter Bunny....get it? Ha ha ha. Well, when we woke up, it looked to be a sunny day, but then....no, of course not. Not even the greatest, most meaningful day in the life of a christian could be sunny. I can only be content now, because since then, it's been nothing but sun. Jed even ran around in his undies today. He is a bit like me. Not that I run around in my undies when it's sunny, but one peek from Mr. Sun last week and I was literally digging out the shorts and sandals.

Oh yes, back to Easter. Jed woke, and as usual, climbed into bed with us, but he spotted his easter basket, and was very excited. We whispered, "Shhh...don't wake the baby...go back to sleep." And he did! When we finally did wake up, he ran right to his basket, and seeing the cadbury creme egg, asked if it was mine. "It was in your basket, right Jed? Then it's yours." Oh joy of joys when he realized it was all his. He proceeded to take out all the robin eggs, and count them. (After eating a couple.)

Then there was the little egg hunt. I didn't tell him about it because I just wanted to wait 'till he noticed some of the obvious ones. After finally seeing the first one, he didn't even know that there were more, many more, until I told him. He just opened them, took out the jellybeans (three in each egg) and counted, lined, and rearanged them in a million ways. I wonder where he got those wonderful orderly traits from. I made an egg for Easter with Eddie and Renee, it's the one in the basket with the butterfly on it. Yay.
I love the top picture - they both have the biggest grin! Where did the rest of those beautifully ornate eggs come from?
Lots of people made them at the flat, but the Ershboks own them, and probably made more than anyone else. I actually stole the pic from Rene's blog. Please forgive me Nayners.
Hey, Happy Birthday, a bit late!
It's so wonderful to hear of your love for your family and the Lord. I remember you as a baby Christian at the house in the city, and it's awesome what God has done in you! And given you such a beautiful little family too. Bless you, many times over,
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