April 7, 2006

Interpretation please!

(Senario-Kai smacks Jed for one reason or another, whereupon Kai is sent to a chair for a time out, and Jed falls on the floor in utter despair)

Mother: Jed, are you okay? What's going on?

Jed: Kai hurt my feelings. He broke my heart.

(Kai looks at Jed)

Jed: (to Kai) You broke my heart into a puzzle.

(Jed walks across room and falls on bed, Kai walks over to him)

Jed: (to Kai) I'm having a hard time because you broke my heart into a puzzle because I'm mad.

Kai: Can I turn your heart into a book?

Jed: Yeah.

Kai: (to Mother) I turned his heart into a book. (holds hands up as if holding a book)

Mother: Jed, are you all better now?

Jed: No.(whimpering with big frown)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

he might have learned the "broke my heart thing from Bella-she says that all the time.

9:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is SO funny! That'd be great stuff for him to read back in 20 years.

2:57 PM  

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