My apology to Eowyn

I am so sorry my dear little baby girl, for the things I've said, and the frustrations I've felt when it came time to feed you. It seems that I did not aknowledge the fact that I had things to learn too. I have not fed a baby in over three years, and little did I know, that everyone is different. I needed to learn how you liked the spoon held, so you could suck down your watery cereal like a baby bird. I am sorry that I considered feeding you my most stressful time of day, when it should have been another lovely moment to cherish you. I am sure you were just anxious, when you would clamp down on the spoon sending cereal in every direction, for another bite of the new and interesting substance allowed past your lips. It is truely my fault that you would grab for the spoon all the time, for I am the one who bought the pretty rainbow ones. Why would I get mad, and irritated when you didn't want to eat? I wish I only had such control as you, my dear. But now, after all that, it seems we are coming to a turning point. I now know how you like me to hold each bite, and you open up for each one. You love to make happy yum yum noises as each bite goes down into your little belly, and not all over me and you. It seems once things get better, we realize it wasn't that bad, and if only we could have known how long the hard part would have lasted, maybe it would have been easier to endure. I shall consider this another learning experience in my life. I love you my little Winnie.
this was so sweet to read, i really got all teary eyed and everything...
i feel soooo bad everytime i get annoyed with my baby girls...
they're just these little angels, you know? and just trying to learn and figure out sooo much, it's probably overwhelming for them as it is...
oh, i'm so glad i decided to take a peek here before going to bed...
you have such a precious heart elena, and i love to "visit" you in this way too...
can't wait to see you again
dear Eowyn, I am sooo proud of you. You were rollin over like a big girl! You go girl. I think you were triing to impress....maybe my son, which is fine. You come from a good blood line...and if you would, perhaps, like a date with my boy...I may be able to work you in.
Hey Elena, it was great to see you too. I cried reading the goodbye comments. The whole time I was in your room I kept thinking..."man she looks sooo beautiful!", I love your hair...and it really brings out your awesome eyes, and you look healthy. Hope to see you in n.e.
ohh! You make me miss breast thats good writeing ide say. She is so cute. Im ready!
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