Okay, okay. On Sunday my husband went away to work for God knows how long while my son was on his asthma medicine that makes him hyper (either that or he was posessed by God knows what). Then he peed in MY bed two out of four nights. Bad day yesterday....bad three days and four nights is a little more like it. I needed something to change...to make me feel better. Today was a very good day. Hmmm...
What I would really like to do is tell a story. It was way back in December 1999. The weather had been unusually clear for that time of year, so I and six other friends decided to take a little hike. To the ocean. We had it was seven miles as the crow flies, so we figured if we took the same path, we could get there rather easily as well, and explore some new teritory. The group consisted of four guys and three girls. Jason and Nathaniel, (our leaders) then Rob, Joe, Sara, Devon and little old me. I had never really hiked overnight, or at all, so I didn't know how to prepare. But something in me knew that Devon's insistence on bringing olives in a glass jar was a little off (please forgive me Devon). The only pack I had was a school type deal sewed together with dental floss at a few points, and a super bulky sleeping bag. I hooked them together with a rope, and was good to go. Looking back, I would
never hike like that again. Every step the bag went
bump, bump on my bottom.

We started off by taking off our shoes and rolling up our pants to stumble across the freezing winter river in our backyard. I think Devon is the leader in the pic, and I'm third. Once across and reassembled, we went straight up a mountain to an old logging road that is now part of the
Standish-Hickeynational forest. We followed it to a bridge that crossed a creek, and someone said you should follow the creeks to the ocean. We walked along side of it, constantly going higher and higher. Eventually there were many fallen redwoods across it, and we were just climbing over one slippery log to meet another. After a bit of this, we decided to forget the creek and just go up the side of another mountain. As long as we headed west, we would hit the ocean. Right? This is where it gets good...but you'll have to wait 'cause I'm a sleepy Mama...to be continued...