We made it through the thick of the storm, and are safe and dry. Friday was the crazy day. The one that took down trees, took out electricity, and stole our parking ticket. We had planned to take Jed to
Walking With The Dinosaurs as and early birthday present, and woke (for those of us who could sleep through the wild wind storm) to intense weather and spotty power outages. The show was only in town for four days, so we
had to go. When we got there, our parking ticket blew right out of the car as we opened our doors, never to be found again. The wind was that strong. Okay, that doesn't really sound that strong. Curtis ran back to the ticket booth in the rain and wind- being the only one with a rain coat- to see if they would give us a new ticket. On the way back a huge light pole fell over three feet from where he was running. The wind was
that strong. Of course both Curtis and I have a passion for adventure, and when I told him my camera had to go back in the car because we couldn't bring it in, he practically begged to run back into the storm. We had a small boxing match to see who would get to go- he won. Unfortunately, the only prize he got was to remain soaking wet for the entire show- and of course, the love and adoration of his wife and child. When we returned home, we were lucky to find we had electricity, as the building directly across from us was out. I kept worrying about our parking lot flooding, and fretting if we should move the cars to higher ground across the street. Turns out, the lot across the street was the one that ended up flooding. Glad we didn't move the cars. There are trees down on practically every block, and flooding here and there, but the only damage that was really close to us is this:

Our poor pool! Actually the pool is fine, just the fence got hurt, and I imagine what ever that pipe goes to. Three cheers for our wonderful babysitter on Friday-
Rae. Not only does she have three other munchkins of her own to chase around, but she is newly preggers, and you know what that means- siiiiiick. At least that day. And the Winners just doesn't stop. Seriously. Thanks Rae. You are one tough cookie.