April 24, 2006
Yup. Sad day. Actually, they put him to sleep on my birthday. Great. It was a good decision to let him go. I mean, there's a point when giving a cat an IV to keep him hydrated has just got to end. His name? Buttercup. How manly. Well, he's been known to go by Buddy, Bud, Buddence, and Buddycup. (Better than our other cat Lulu, nicknamed Lucifer by my brother.) It's funny in my family, because if each of us was asked, we'd say it was OUR cat. Even though I haven't lived at home for over seven years, he is still my cat. You just remember your own little bonding moments with the Budster. In my (ahem) former days, when I would come home late, he would always be waiting outside for me. I'd go to the back door, and as soon as it was open a crack, he would scurry in and up to my room to wait for me while I took a few gulps of milk or water from the pitcher. (Yeah, it's not only a guy thing.) Those were some of my last memories of our times together before I left home and he chose my dad as his soulmate. Earlier memories were of my younger brother being afraid of him, and hiding him under a garbage can, or carrying him around by the tail. (Thankfully this was a short phase.) I must admit...oh, I feel so bad...I used to stick him in my dresser, so he couldn't get away, or lock him in my room or closet. I just wanted him all to myself, to cuddle and love. I even dressed him up in doll clothes a couple times. I drew sooo many pictures of that cat during elementary school. Butter was my inspiration. He had to be the most laid back, forgiving cat ever. He also had the loudest meow in the world, and if he was outside and wanted in, you were gonna hear about it. He even used to throw himself against my parents bedroom door to try to open it. We would say he could talk. He would stretch his paws way up to the kitchen doorknob, and we would say, "What do you want Buddy?" and he would reply, "Ooowww." He was getting up there though. When I was home last year, I clipped back his claws, 'cause they were totally sticking out, and then he couldn't even get on the couch, because he didn't have the strength. He had used his claws as little grappling hooks. I figure he was about 17, which is pretty ridiculous when you figure that makes him 119 in cat years. Yup. Time to go. Bye bye Buddy.
The big two six

The rest of the day, I was so busy, it literally flew by. I worked out, then lunch, then ice cream, (Everything But The - of course NO ONE in Leggett carries Coffee Heath Bar Crunch - what's wrong with these people?) then bake a cake, then party time! We all had dinner at the Koskinen's which was amazing as always. Best tacos ever. I totally stuffed myself, so I was actually trying to wait to have dessert. (I am generally a dessert right away kind of girl.) We (I) opened presents, which were great, especially since I didn't have to reject any of them. (I know, I know, I'm such a jerk.) I think my favorite was one of Laura's photos. When we finally had cake and ice cream (homemade) I was still too full to enjoy it to the extent I had envisioned, but somehow managed to be quite happy. Oh well. Lesson learned for next year. (Actually, I did contemplate seconds on the ice cream.) Ooooh, I almost forgot. One happy high moment was when I checked my messages on the machine, and had three happy birthdays, and November and Devon had even sung to me! That was soooo special. I realized that being with the people I love is especially important to me on my day, and it was cool that I got to because of the blog. Yay blogger!
April 18, 2006
Easter time

Oh Easter. (sigh) It was a dreary rainy day. We had a lovely ham dinner, and an even lovlier cheesecake for dessert. And I won the game of Killer Bunnies! I find the game rather fitting for Easter. Killer Bunnies. Bunnies....Easter Bunny....get it? Ha ha ha. Well, when we woke up, it looked to be a sunny day, but then....no, of course not. Not even the greatest, most meaningful day in the life of a christian could be sunny. I can only be content now, because since then, it's been nothing but sun. Jed even ran around in his undies today. He is a bit like me. Not that I run around in my undies when it's sunny, but one peek from Mr. Sun last week and I was literally digging out the shorts and sandals.

Oh yes, back to Easter. Jed woke, and as usual, climbed into bed with us, but he spotted his easter basket, and was very excited. We whispered, "Shhh...don't wake the baby...go back to sleep." And he did! When we finally did wake up, he ran right to his basket, and seeing the cadbury creme egg, asked if it was mine. "It was in your basket, right Jed? Then it's yours." Oh joy of joys when he realized it was all his. He proceeded to take out all the robin eggs, and count them. (After eating a couple.)

Then there was the little egg hunt. I didn't tell him about it because I just wanted to wait 'till he noticed some of the obvious ones. After finally seeing the first one, he didn't even know that there were more, many more, until I told him. He just opened them, took out the jellybeans (three in each egg) and counted, lined, and rearanged them in a million ways. I wonder where he got those wonderful orderly traits from. I made an egg for Easter with Eddie and Renee, it's the one in the basket with the butterfly on it. Yay.
April 11, 2006
Egg update
Faithful Renee came home with eggs in hand, and we had our little test. Sundy bit into one, and even ate the whole thing! The chocolate was plenty thick, and pushing 5mm in some areas. She says she must have had a nasty one last time, that it was old and warm or something. Of the indsides, she exclaimed, "it's actually pretty creamy!" Renee is just happy to have another convert to one of her favorite candies.
Mini eggs

Please don't confuse the mini's with the 'original' cadbury egg, which is apparently the topic of much controversy. It seems people either hate or love the big guys. I know that Sara probably has a few stashed for the day after she has her baby, and can finally eat sugar. She has gestational diabetes, but at least the baby's due soon, so the eggs won't be all nasty, like if she was due in June or something. We once had a bonding moment trying to eat an old nasty cadbury egg, just hoping it was still tasty despite the chalky appearance. Sundy actually described the inside of the big cadbury eggs as 'gritty' and the chocolate shell as 'paper thin'. I prefer to call the inside 'textured' and I must say the chocolate has got to be at least 2 mm thick. Just look at the picture.

Today, we have planned to put the paper thin accusation to the test. Renee has a dentist appointment, and on the way back is stopping for a pack of eggs. The perfect thing to do after a root canal. Of course Renee and I being the local sugar junkies, agreed to be the testers, and we will see if Sundy loathes the confections so much, that she can withstand a little nibble.
April 7, 2006
Interpretation please!
(Senario-Kai smacks Jed for one reason or another, whereupon Kai is sent to a chair for a time out, and Jed falls on the floor in utter despair)
Mother: Jed, are you okay? What's going on?
Jed: Kai hurt my feelings. He broke my heart.
(Kai looks at Jed)
Jed: (to Kai) You broke my heart into a puzzle.
(Jed walks across room and falls on bed, Kai walks over to him)
Jed: (to Kai) I'm having a hard time because you broke my heart into a puzzle because I'm mad.
Kai: Can I turn your heart into a book?
Jed: Yeah.
Kai: (to Mother) I turned his heart into a book. (holds hands up as if holding a book)
Mother: Jed, are you all better now?
Jed: No.(whimpering with big frown)
Mother: Jed, are you okay? What's going on?
Jed: Kai hurt my feelings. He broke my heart.
(Kai looks at Jed)
Jed: (to Kai) You broke my heart into a puzzle.
(Jed walks across room and falls on bed, Kai walks over to him)
Jed: (to Kai) I'm having a hard time because you broke my heart into a puzzle because I'm mad.
Kai: Can I turn your heart into a book?
Jed: Yeah.
Kai: (to Mother) I turned his heart into a book. (holds hands up as if holding a book)
Mother: Jed, are you all better now?
Jed: No.(whimpering with big frown)
April 6, 2006
Best Meal Awards
Here are your best meals that I was so delighted to consume:
Devon: French Toast
Eddie & Renee: German Pancakes and Sausage
The two proir were first and second breakfasts (he he)
Sara: How can I even decide? Bacon...mmm...spaghetti...mmm...eggrolls...mmm(must I go on?)
Devon: French Toast
Eddie & Renee: German Pancakes and Sausage
The two proir were first and second breakfasts (he he)
Sara: How can I even decide? Bacon...mmm...spaghetti...mmm...eggrolls...mmm(must I go on?)
To all my friends
In the past couple of weeks, we have visited a few friends, and I had so much fun. From eating great food (why does it seem all my friends wonderful chefs?) to thrift shopping, to painting meticulously designed eggs, to finding out the truth about gin and tonic, to just hanging out. I had so much fun. It made the long drives totally worth it, and really renewed and confirmed vision in my life. I love you so much. Thank you all for everything, you are why we're better together.
April 5, 2006
My apology to Eowyn

I am so sorry my dear little baby girl, for the things I've said, and the frustrations I've felt when it came time to feed you. It seems that I did not aknowledge the fact that I had things to learn too. I have not fed a baby in over three years, and little did I know, that everyone is different. I needed to learn how you liked the spoon held, so you could suck down your watery cereal like a baby bird. I am sorry that I considered feeding you my most stressful time of day, when it should have been another lovely moment to cherish you. I am sure you were just anxious, when you would clamp down on the spoon sending cereal in every direction, for another bite of the new and interesting substance allowed past your lips. It is truely my fault that you would grab for the spoon all the time, for I am the one who bought the pretty rainbow ones. Why would I get mad, and irritated when you didn't want to eat? I wish I only had such control as you, my dear. But now, after all that, it seems we are coming to a turning point. I now know how you like me to hold each bite, and you open up for each one. You love to make happy yum yum noises as each bite goes down into your little belly, and not all over me and you. It seems once things get better, we realize it wasn't that bad, and if only we could have known how long the hard part would have lasted, maybe it would have been easier to endure. I shall consider this another learning experience in my life. I love you my little Winnie.